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Center for Studies in International Relations

Research Internship Offer

The Center of Studies in International Relations (CSIR) is oriented towards the study, analysis and reflection of the international phenomena that occur within the International System, mainly based on the actions of the States. You can find more information about CSIR here.

Each research center has specific requirements that you should review carefully . Also, to apply to an undergraduate or postgraduate research internship at UDD, you should meet the following requirements:

  • Be an undergraduate or postgraduate student enrolled in a recognized educational institution. (Students form partner universities will be exempted of academic fees).
  • Knowledge of Spanish or English (check specifications in each offer).

In addition to the required documents specified in each research offer, it is necessary that you attach the following documents:

  • Copy of passport or identity card.
  • Nomination letter from your home university (must be sent at the time of application to incoming@udd.cl).
  • Check the available offers listed below, you can find all the Research Centers, Institutes and Programs that have a current offer.
  • Once the center of your interest has been identified, you should review the available offer.
  • If you meet all the requirements and your profile is adequate, you must complete the required information and upload the documents in the Apply Here section.

Below, you will find the application instructions which explain the steps and frequently asked questions regarding this program.

Application Instructions

Research internships will be developed in virtual and/or face to face modality. You must keep in mind that depending on the area required by each research center, the presence of the student may be requested. Please, review carefully the specifications of the offer of your interest.

  • FALL SEMESTER 2021 (AUGUST – FEBRUARY): Applications will be received until April 15th.
  • SPRING SEMESTER (MARCH – JULY): Applications will be received until November 15th.