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The Common Engineering Plan is a program that brings together students from Industrial Civil Engineering, Civil Engineering in Civil Construction, Civil Engineering in Mining and Geology around a common plan during the first years of each degree.

Name of the CourseYear*Semester*CodeCreditsDownload description
Cálculo Multivariable2nd1 y 2IPLC21410Download PDF
Circuitos Eléctricos2nd2IPLC226Download PDF
Ecuaciones Diferenciales2nd1 y 2IPLC22410Download PDF
Electricidad y Magnetismo2nd1 y 2IPLC22010Download PDF
Física2nd1 y 2IPLC21712Download PDF
Mecánica2nd1 y 2IPLC31110Download PDF
Probabilidades y Estadística2nd2IPLC21510Download PDF
Química2nd1 y 2IPLC12712Download PDF
Tecnologías de la Información II2nd2IPLC212Download PDF
Contabilidad y Costos3rd1 y 2IPLC32710Download PDF
Estadística3rd1 y 2IPLC31312Download PDF
Microeconomía3rd1 y 2IPLC32410Download PDF

* Year refers to the location of the course within the academic plan / curriculum.

* Semester refers to the period in which the course is offered, that is:

1: It is dictated during the first semester (March to July)

2: It is dictated during the second semester (August to December)